Sunday, July 23, 2006


Our newest article (at is entitled “What if my first chair is a micromanager?” This frustration has been expressed frequently as we have interacted with other second chair leaders.

I have to confess to having some micromanaging tendencies myself. Sometimes my desire for things to be done “right” make it hard for me to restrain myself. I’ve also experienced the other end of this – as the micro-managee (?) – and it’s something I definitely prefer to avoid.

But the reason for this blog isn’t about me – it’s an opportunity to hear from you! What experiences have you had with a micromanaging boss? In what ways and in which areas of your job have you been micromanaged? What have you found effective to either change the nature of the interaction or to cope with it? Post a comment – we look forward to continuing this dialogue.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Summer Stuff

So how is the summer going for the rest of you in second chair land? What is resting you, what is stretching you, and what is stressing you during this season?

For me, I’ve had a couple of nice vacation breaks, including a relaxing getaway with my wife. Neither of us had realized how much we needed the break from the kids and the routine until we were actually alone, and then it felt like a huge weight had been lifted from our shoulders.

As for stretching, I’ve really enjoyed reading Reggie McNeal’s new book, Practicing Greatness. Reggie challenges leaders to take a deep look at their own lives and to adopt 7 practices that will ensure long-term effectiveness in their ministries. I was also stretched by our church mission trip to Port Arthur, TX. This area was hit hard by Hurricane Rita, but has received much less attention and aid than New Orleans and other areas along the Gulf Coast. It was humbling to install sheetrock and do other basic repairs in homes that had been damaged 9 months ago.

And then there’s the stressing part. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I find the summer to be a difficult season in many ways. The vacations are needed, but I find it hard to maintain any kind of rhythm in the summer. And by the time I look up, the busy fall season is staring us in the face and we’re not quite ready. It’s a struggle right now to know what the “main thing” is and to stay focused on it, because so many things are competing for my/our priorities at the church and in the second chair community.

So that’s my lame excuse for the lack of postings! What is resting, stretching or stressing you right now? I look forward to re-engaging in the online dialogue.